Social Security Number Verification

The Social Security Number check will provide the following information:

  • Social Security Number and name verification to determine if it is a valid number.
  • Searches the Social Security Administration Deceased File to determine if this number has been associated with an individual who is now deceased.
  • Check to determine if there are any other names associated with the applicant's Social Security Number, or any other Social Security Number associated with the applicant's name.
  • Past addresses used by the applicant.

Correct names and SSNs on W-2 wage reports are the key to the successful processing of your annual wage report submission. Results in more accurate wage reports.  Save you processing costs and reduces the number of W-2Cs. Allows Social Security to properly credit your employees' earnings record, which will be important information in determining their Social Security benefits in the future

Though national in scope, data provided by NationsCheck is compiled from multiple public record data sources. NationsCheck makes no claims to the completeness of its database or that data for all states or jurisdictions is included in its current product offerings.  NationsCheck takes reasonable measures to update these records as available, but as in all public records, we rely on the completeness and accuracy of each state's records.


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